My name is Jules Lagrange, I’m a 3D animation student at l’ESMA (École Supérieure des Métiers Artistiques) located in Lyon, France.
Here’s my porfolio with some of the works I’m the most proud of!
During my studies, I develop some skills in Animation, in 2D and 3D. I’m mainly working with Maya, Renderman, Photoshop, Mudbox, Nuke, Davinci Resolve and Ableton.
My academic background includes a bachelor’s degree in computer sience at Marc Seguin High School, Annoany. I also have a degree in visual arts at Jean Monnet university, Saint-etienne.
I also learned music on my own. My grandmother teach me the guitare and piano basics and I learn the rest by myself or with the Internet.
I hope you will know me better with this presentation. Feel free to contact me for any question, my contacts are at the bottom of this page.
April 2024
Maya, Renderman, xGen, Mudbox, MetaHuman, Photoshop, Nuke
During my holydays, I wanted to have a personnal project so I decided to make a realistic version of Clove from the video game Valorant.
January 2024
Maya, Renderman, Mudbox
Here’s my first rendering school project, the insect. We had to choose an inesct or something similar and create it in 3D. I choose a Blackwidow, because I really love spiders.
Final Images of the Year
MAY 2023
Maya, Renderman, Affinity Photo
In 2023, for my final image of the year, I imagine and create a ficitonal bar called « Rock and Roar ». I had to render two CGI files and one acrylic illustration. The goal with this project was to create a realsitic bar, so I had to search many references.
Still life
APRIL 2023
Maya, Renderman, Affinity Photo
The still life is a school project, we were supposed to create a room that is a representation of what we like. So there’s a lot of references to music and also to sport and animation movies.
MARCH 2023
Maya, Renderman, Affinity Photo
Here’s the textures I made of my own cycle shoes.
Fur project
March 2024
Krita, Photoshop
For school, I have a project to create a creature or a animal with fur. We first have to design it in 2D and then sculpt it in 3D. So here’s a black fur lion.
Black Sad
December 2023
Create an OC from Black Sad
Orginial Character Creation
JUNE 2023
In June 2023, I created a series of digital drawings on Krita featuring an OC (Original Character) that represents a cat. This initiative stemmed from my desire to have a unique avatar for my social media.
So, this cat is slender, lively, playful, and dynamic. It also has a larger tuft of fur on the top of its head.
In the end, these digital drawings on Krita were a fun and relaxing way to depict my OC, a virtual representation of myself that I can freely use on my various social media.
Forest fire
February 2023
Tooth, July 2023
This is a music for a short movie called « Tooth », talking about why a little mouse steal tooth.
Guitare Instrumental, June 2023
I just imagined a huge bass commig with a scream so I did it.
A Brand New Day, June 2022
This song is about how I change my way to see the music and the music creation when i really start to learn how to compose.
Someone’s running, November 2021
This is a music of a short movie I made during my Visual Art degree. It’s an action scene.